This presentation supports the book and e-learning for the basic ER course 2023 | 17nd edition.
This digital product contains PowerPoint presentations and lesson plans for the emergency response courses. The presentations and (Dutch) lesson plans corresponds to the 17nd edition of the book emergency response officer and the current material in the e-learning.
The presentations and (Dutch) lessons plans with regard to the firefighting and evacuation part has been updated in response to new insights into the spreading of smoke from a study by the NIPV. The results of this research have been translated into lessons for the ERO and included in the presentations and (Dutch) lesson plans.
In the presentations and (Dutch) lessons plans regarding to the first aid part, a new paragraph on inhalation injuries has been included in response to the new insights into the spreading and dangers of smoke.
In addition, the first aid section is up to date in accordance with the Dutch First Aid Guidelines 2021.
Note: The presentation about stop bleeding with haemostatic gauze and a tourniquet is information that is not included in the book, but is included as extra information in the e-learning. This information is not tested in the exam of the ER-courses.
For whom
You are an ER-instructor and want to use the current and up-to-date ER-instruction materials from NIBHV.
With this PowerPoint and (Dutch)lesson plans you, as an instructor, can prepare yourself well for giving ER-courses. You will receive advice and tips for giving the course and you can use the presentations as a tool for providing the course.
Use presentations and lesson plans
The presentations contain all learning material relevant to the emergency response officer with regard to fire, evacuation and first aid. You can make a selection of the slides you want to use. In this way you can tailor a presentation or multiple presentations, both for the basic ER-course and for the refresher courses. The (Dutch) lesson plans are available in different variants (basic, refresher, blended).